MySQL Shell 9.0  /  ...  /  在 InnoDB ClusterSet 中隔离集群

8.9.1 在 InnoDB ClusterSet 中隔离集群

紧急故障转移 之后,ClusterSet 的不同部分之间的事务集存在差异的风险,您必须隔离集群以防止写入流量或所有流量。

如果发生网络分区,则可能会出现脑裂情况,即实例失去同步并且无法正确通信以定义同步状态。脑裂情况可能发生在以下情况下,例如当 DBA 决定强制选举副本集群成为主集群,从而创建多个主节点,导致脑裂情况。

在这种情况下,DBA 可以选择隔离原始主集群的

  • 写入。

  • 所有流量。


  • <Cluster>.fenceWrites(): 停止对 ClusterSet 主集群的写入流量。副本集群不接受写入,因此此操作对它们没有影响。

    可以在 INVALIDATED 副本集群上使用。此外,如果在禁用了 super_read_only 的副本集群上运行,它将启用它。

  • <Cluster>.unfenceWrites(): 恢复写入流量。此操作可以在之前使用 <Cluster>.fenceWrites() 操作隔离写入流量的集群上运行。

    无法在副本集群上使用 cluster.unfenceWrites()

  • <Cluster>.fenceAllTraffic(): 隔离集群及其中的所有读副本,禁止所有流量。如果您已使用 <Cluster>.fenceAllTraffic() 隔离了集群的所有流量,则必须使用 dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() MySQL Shell 命令重新启动集群。

    有关 dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() 的更多信息,请参阅第 7.8.3 节 “从重大故障中重新启动集群”


在副本集群上发出 .fenceWrites() 会返回错误

ERROR: Unable to fence Cluster from write traffic: 
operation not permitted on REPLICA Clusters
Cluster.fenceWrites: The Cluster '<Cluster>' is a REPLICA Cluster 
of the ClusterSet '<ClusterSet>' (MYSQLSH 51616)

即使您主要在属于集群集的集群上使用隔离,也可以使用 <Cluster>.fenceAllTraffic() 隔离独立集群。

  1. 要隔离主集群的写入流量,请使用 Cluster.fenceWrites 命令,如下所示



    • 集群上的自动 super_read_only 管理被禁用。

    • 集群中所有实例上的 super_read_only 都已启用。

    • 所有应用程序都被阻止在集群上执行写入操作。

        The Cluster 'primary' will be fenced from write traffic
    	  * Disabling automatic super_read_only management on the Cluster...
    	  * Enabling super_read_only on ''...
    	  * Enabling super_read_only on ''...
    	  * Enabling super_read_only on ''...
    	  NOTE: Applications will now be blocked from performing writes on Cluster 'primary'. 
        Use <Cluster>.unfenceWrites() to resume writes if you are certain a split-brain is not in effect.
    	  Cluster successfully fenced from write traffic
  2. 要检查您是否已隔离主集群的写入流量,请使用 <Cluster>.status 命令,如下所示



            "clusters": {
            "primary": {
            "clusterErrors": [
            "WARNING: Cluster is fenced from Write traffic. 
             Use cluster.unfenceWrites() to unfence the Cluster."
            "clusterRole": "PRIMARY",
            "globalStatus": "OK_FENCED_WRITES",
            "primary": null,
            "status": "FENCED_WRITES",
            "statusText": "Cluster is fenced from Write Traffic."
            "replica": {
            "clusterRole": "REPLICA",
            "clusterSetReplicationStatus": "OK",
            "globalStatus": "OK"
            "domainName": "primary",
            "globalPrimaryInstance": null,
            "primaryCluster": "primary",
            "status": "UNAVAILABLE",
            "statusText": "Primary Cluster is fenced from write traffic."
  3. 要解除隔离集群并恢复对主集群的写入流量,请使用 Cluster.fenceWrites 命令,如下所示


    主集群上的自动 super_read_only 管理已启用,并且主集群实例上的 super_read_only 状态已启用。

            The Cluster 'primary' will be unfenced from write traffic
            * Enabling automatic super_read_only management on the Cluster...
            * Disabling super_read_only on the primary ''...
            Cluster successfully unfenced from write traffic
  4. 要隔离集群的所有流量,请使用 Cluster.fenceAllTraffic 命令,如下所示


    集群实例的主实例上的 super_read_only 状态已启用。在启用集群中所有实例上的 offline_mode 之前

            The Cluster 'primary' will be fenced from all traffic
            * Enabling super_read_only on the primary ''...
            * Enabling offline_mode on the primary ''...
            * Enabling offline_mode on ''...
            * Stopping Group Replication on ''...
            * Enabling offline_mode on ''...
            * Stopping Group Replication on ''...
            * Stopping Group Replication on the primary ''...
            Cluster successfully fenced from all traffic
  5. 要解除隔离集群的所有流量,请使用 dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage() MySQL Shell 命令。恢复集群后,当系统询问您是否要将实例重新加入集群时,选择,即可将实例重新加入集群

    cluster = dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage()
    		Restoring the cluster 'primary' from complete outage...
    		The instance '' was part of the cluster configuration.
    		Would you like to rejoin it to the cluster? [y/N]: Y
    		The instance '' was part of the cluster configuration.
    		Would you like to rejoin it to the cluster? [y/N]: Y
    		* Waiting for seed instance to become ONLINE... was restored.
    		Rejoining '' to the cluster.
    		Rejoining instance '' to cluster 'primary'...
    		The instance '' was successfully rejoined to the cluster.
    		Rejoining '' to the cluster.
    		Rejoining instance '' to cluster 'primary'...
    		The instance '' was successfully rejoined to the cluster.
    		The cluster was successfully rebooted.